Coup d'État Project - Archive
This page contains previous versions of the Cline Center's Coup d'État Project.
For an up-to-date version of the project and its data, please visit the Cline Center's Coup d'État Project Page.
Dataset v2.0.0 - This is version 2.0.0 of this dataset. The first version, v.1.0.0, was released in 2013. Since then, the Cline Center has taken several steps to improve on the previously-released data. These changes include:
- Filling in missing event data values
- Removing events with no identifiable dates
- Reconciling event dates from sources that have conflicting information
- Removing events with insufficient sourcing (each event now has at least two sources)
- Removing events that were inaccurately coded and did not meet our definition of a coup event
- Extending the time period covered from 1945-2005 to 1945-2019
- Removing certain variables that fell below the threshold of inter-coder reliability required by the project
- The spreadsheet ‘CoupInventory.xls’ was removed because of inadequate attribution and citation in the event summaries
Codebook (v2.0.2) - This is the codebook for v2.0.2 of the Coup d'État Project Data. The first section of this codebook provides a succinct definition of a coup d’état used by the project and an overview of the categories used to differentiate the wide array of events that meet the Coup d'État Project's definition. It also defines coup outcomes. The second section describes the methodology used to produce the data. Reliability checks for the coup data collected are reported in the Appendix. Lastly, this document briefly highlights the differences between v2.0.0 and v1.0.0
The Coup d'État Project White Paper (v.1.0.0) - This is a white paper from v1.0.0 of the Coup d'État Project. This white paper provides a succinct definition of a coup d’état used by the project, an overview of the typology that was developed to differentiate among coup types, and an outline of the quantitative data collected for each coup. Reliability checks for the coup data collected are reported in Appendix I.
The Coup d'État Project Dataset (v.1.0.0)
Google Earth Maps of Coup d'État Project Events Using v1.0.0 Data